What We Do
We are an organization of homeschooling families who gathers with each other to give our children opportunities to engage in academic and social learning with each other. We have four tiers of membership where our children often make life-long friendships. Families can choose the tier that will best meet their needs.
See our membership overview tabs for more information.
Building Community

The mission of Love First Homeschool Inc. is to support and encourage families in the homeschool community to foster academic, emotional, and spiritual growth from a biblical perspective, so children become self-directed learners and servant leaders who understand that, as Christ followers, we must love first.
Statement of Faith
We are a body of homeschoolers from various Christian traditions, believing in one triune God- the Father, His Son and Our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. We are comfortable praying together, discussing God, and sharing scripture. As parents, we prayerfully and joyfully accept the responsibility of educating our children. Our instruction reflects a Christian worldview solidly rooted in the values and teachings of Jesus. We acknowledge that denominational differences exist. We choose to concentrate on our spiritual unity as believers through our common faith in Jesus Christ and will not allow doctrinal differences to hinder our cooperation as Christian home educators.
Anti-Discrimination Policy
Love First Homeschool Inc. is committed to fulfilling its mission without discrimination, including discrimination based on race, color, national origin, ancestry, age, gender, familial status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability or handicap, veteran status, economic status, or religion.
Anti-Harrassment and Anti-Bullying Policy
Love First Homeschool Inc. is committed to providing all members with a safe and supportive environment. Members are expected to treat each other with respect. Teachers and other attending adults are expected to teach and to demonstrate by example that all members of the community are entitled to respect. Harassment or bullying of any member, adult or child, is a violation of this policy. This includes, but is not limited to, harassment or bullying based on political preferences, political beliefs, socioeconomic status, race, color, national origin, ancestry, age, gender, familial status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability or handicap, veteran status, economic status, or religion.
Examples of harassment / bullying by any person, adult or child, may include, but are not limited to:
Verbal Bullying
Direct Bullying: Taunting, teasing, name calling, put downs, racial remarks, threats
Indirect Bullying: Spreading rumors, gossiping
Physical Bullying
Direct Bullying: Hitting, kicking, tripping, punching, using any sort of violence and any unwanted physical contact, theft of property or taking anything that does not belong to you without permission
Indirect Bullying: Enlisting a friend to assault someone
Nonverbal/Non-physical Bullying
Direct Bullying: Threatening or obscene gestures
Indirect Bullying: Being deliberately unkind, excluding others from a group, manipulation of friendships, threatening email, setting someone up to be humiliated
Cyber Bullying
Direct Bullying: Cyber bullying occurs through the use of technology. This can include the use of any electronic devices using social networks, text messaging, instant messaging, websites, e-mail or other electronic means. A person participates in direct cyber bullying if he or she directly carries out the behavior.
Indirect Bullying: Indirect cyber bullying is carried out by those who assist, encourage, or fail to report the bullying behavior in any way. It is often the virtual bystanders who are responsible for the repeated humiliation felt by victims.
Any person who believes he or she has been subject to harassment, bullying (including verbal, physical, nonverbal/nonphysical, and cyber) or a hostile environment or has observed this conduct based on one or more of the characteristics noted above— whether such harassment, bullying or hostile environment is created by a fellow student, teacher, or parent/guardian—is encouraged to report the conduct to the leadership team. If a person is found to have engaged in acts of bullying, harassment or other acts that create a hostile environment, the person may be subject to discipline, including but not limited to removal from the organization without refund or, in extreme cases, legal action may be taken.
Contact Us
Registration and/or General Questions: [email protected]
Leadership Team:
Melody Gowman, [email protected]
Kara Strouth, [email protected]
Brenda DiEugenio, [email protected]
Devon Greathouse, [email protected]
Shannon Chilcote, [email protected]