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Co-op Program Overview

Co-op is an all-hands-on-deck cooperative where families of students in grades K-12 meet together once a week on Mondays from 9 am to 12:50 pm for 20 weeks during the school year. Classes are broken into the following grade bands: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12. Occasionally grade bands are joined together when appropriate for a given class. Because our co-op is designed to serve the whole family, we offer a space for preschool and younger for the siblings of K-12 students.

Classes at co-op are elective-type enrichment classes with no homework requirement. See the Class Registrations tab of our website to view the types of courses we have. Parent volunteers, also called Learning Coaches, volunteer to teach or help throughout the co-op day. Classes are designed and proposed by the families who attend.

Commitment is a critical part of the co-op program that allows it to run smoothly. Except in certain extenuating circumstances (illness, death, etc), regular attendance is expected and required to remain a member.

On a typical co-op day, families will meet in the sanctuary at 9:00 am for opening. First period begins at 9:15 am and there are four periods throughout the day with the day ending at 12:50 pm. There is an optional lunch time for families to fellowship together until 1:45 pm.

For 9-12th grade students only: effective fall 2024, we will offer a limited number of seats for drop-off in order to support our families whose needs are changing. There is an associated cost with this option.

As a co-op member, your registration also covers the registration for all other membership tiers/programs. Be sure to read the handbooks of any other programs of interest to you!

For complete details, be sure to read the Co-op Handbook. Also, be sure to check out Membership Tiers for brief highlights.